Ready to get tech-y with me? I want to show you what you'll need for my iPad Lettering Course that is officially out now!
These tips also apply to my digital workbooks, like my new Mindful Lettering for Kids Digital Version, which includes both a PDF and a Procreate file of my lettering book for kids.
🔹First and foremost: an iPad.
I'll be showing a few different iPad models in the course. The only requirement is to make sure that your iPad model is compatible with Procreate, the App that we will be using to do our lettering. If you already have an iPad, you can check which model you have by looking up the model number on the back of your device or by going into Settings/General/About.
I include a list of all iPads that work with Procreate in the course, but you can also check for compatibility on the Procreate website here.
🔹Next, the Procreate App itself! This is the app that I get asked about the most and I think it is the absolute best out there for lettering on an iPad. You can download it on the App Store. It costs $12.99 (which I think is SUCH a good price for such a powerful app) and it is only available on the iPad (not an iPhone or other type of tablet). You can search for it on the App Store on your iPad.
➡️ ➡️ Before you start looking into Procreate - promise me you won't get intimidated!! This is a powerful program and people use it for lots of different (and often very advanced) digital lettering and art. Don't let that scare you! This course is going to start at the very beginning and teach you step-by-step how to use Procreate at your level.
🔹Next, a stylus. I will be using an Apple Pencil in the course and I highly recommend it. If you are looking to buy one, there are 2 different types of Apple Pencil. You want to make sure that you buy the version that is compatible with your iPad. (I'll help you figure this out in the course too but you can also find a list on the Apple website here.)
A different type of stylus will work in Procreate but it won't have the pressure feature that the Apple Pencil does. Using pressure is how we create thick and thin strokes in the course, just like with a brush pen.
Here's a look at the difference between an Apple Pencil and another type of stylus in Procreate:

An Apple Pencil (left) allows you to use pressure to control the thickness of your strokes in Procreate. Other kinds of styluses (right) will have consistent thickness (but you can add to it - keep reading!)
You can still do this course with other styluses and create that calligraphy look the same way we create it using makers: with faux calligraphy! You can go back and manually thicken your downstrokes like this to get that calligraphy style look:

So don't feel like you can't do this course if your stylus is not an Apple Pencil! Everything else that I teach in this course will work the same way - you will just be lettering using faux calligraphy instead of using pressure to thicken your strokes.
That's it! In the course I will also talk about screen covers (not a necessity but I will show you the ones that I like) and cases (I have a few favorites to recommend).
I don't want you to be intimidated but I want you to have all of the information you need too. So let's sum it all up...
Here's a quick iPad Course FAQ:
What do I need to do this course?
An iPad, a stylus (an Apple Pencil is ideal), and the Procreate App (you can purchase it for $12.99 in the App Store). You will buy the Procreate App on your own, as it is separate from the course.
What if I have a tablet that is NOT an iPad?
This course will be focusing specifically on iPads (not other types of android tablets) because the Procreate App only works on iPads. I've had requests from some of you about learning lettering using different types of programs and tablets and that is something I hope to focus on in the future!
What if I have a stylus that is NOT an Apple Pencil?
You can still do this course! The only difference will be in how you thicken your downstrokes when lettering. The Apple Pencil responds to pressure, so you can thicken strokes like you would with a brush pen. With another stylus, you can use the faux calligraphy method where you go back and thicken your downstrokes manually.
What if I don't have time to do the course right away?
No worries! You get lifetime access to the course portal so you can log in and complete the course any time in the future. You can also watch it through as many times as you want and on as many different devices as you want.
The Basics of iPad Lettering with Procreate is now available for just $35. The course includes 2 custom Procreate brushes, a 16-page lettering practice download for you to trace and practice, and nearly 3 hours of video tutorials.
Order your iPad Lettering course here.
I can't wait for you to get started!
Xo❤️ -Lisa
PS... I know I'm sharing a lot of love for digital lettering right now, but that doesn't mean anything is changing with our workbooks and pens! 🥰 If you prefer brush pen or marker lettering, you can browse our whole collection workbooks in my shop here.