Tips & FAQs for Lefty Lettering
Hello my lefty friends! I get asked so often about lefty hand lettering. People wonder if they can even DO hand lettering as a lefty, and the answer is...
Peace on Earth – Free Printable!
Free Printable of the lyrics by McKenna Hixson (used with permission). The first time I heard this song, I knew I HAD to letter the...
Using Markers for Faux Calligraphy
Hello friends! Are you ready to get beautiful hand lettering WITHOUT using a dip pen or brush pen? I teach a method called faux...
This truly might be the most important step to start lettering…
Hi all! What I am going to share today may be the most important part to help lettering change your life! (no joke: it truly has...
The #1 Most important lettering tool everyone should own…
Okay friends, are you ready for this?? The most important lettering tool you can have is… That's right - a good eraser. Now before...
3 Things to avoid in your Hand Lettering…
Beautiful hand lettering is everywhere - I see it all the time on gift bags and t-shirts, menus & prints! The cool thing is that...
How Lettering Changed My Life
Lettering changed my life. That may sound dramatic, but it's true. And I know it can change yours too. In 2014, my life was a...